Sudha Jamthe's passion is her students

Join the best innovators - Product and Business Leaders to learn AI with a supporting community where you can build out capstone projects with No-Code AI

What Our Students Are Saying

'It never ceases to amaze me how incredible Sudha is in bringing out the best in her students. She goes out of her way to talk to students even outside of class, and effortlessly encourages students to follow their dreams, follow their passion, and gives them the strength they need to start their own companies'.

Henry Lauex-Google/ex-Nvidia Engineer & current Head of Innovation, Undercover Insights

"Sudha's self-driving car business class was packed - with technologists, legal experts, designers, people working on self-driving helicopters, digital mapping experts, wireless experts, data miners, and car enthusiasts. Sudha engaged this extraordinary group in lively discussion and got us thinking like futurists. It was a magical class. Highly recommend it! "

Heather WasserleinProduct Management Leader at Apporto, Yahoo/Intuit Sr.PM (past)

"Sudha's course was an extremely rewarding and valuable experience"

Richard MeyersProject Manager & Editor of "AIX: Designing Artificial Intelligence" book.

Sudha Jamthes Community at Business School of AI