Hi Class,
We had 3 parts of topics to watch in this recording.
- Discussion about how to go past getting data as training data to build AI by starting with a business problem (with Sudha Jamthe)
- Ajay Naukudkar s demo of his Stanford class project: Labeling for an insurance car defects claim automation (image classification and how he did labeling and set quality check for labeling)
- Suresh Lokiah's session on "System Engineering for AI" on how he supports a product manager's requirement of 3 second notification of a delivery person at the door by testing all possible customer scenarios using microsoft's Vision API.
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/yHG6xJ__d_TXpHEC2zxq5PqVHb6ZjQc1BPuWGe_GU35wt-48dD0bTRa3q5igvGKX.Em5LPQvHQBmg_9u2 Passcode: z9@#?K5A
Please remember Sudha is here to help, so be sure to followup with questions at sujamthe @ businessschoolofai.com